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Killer Breakfast Combo

Granola with Poached Berries & Almond Porridge

I have been eating this every morning over the summer it's:

  • Deliciously satisfying

  • A Powerhouse of energy

  • Great snack or dessert

Granola that’s not only delicious but good for you, comes down to the type of oats you use and what other yummies you include in your recipe.

Did you know there are several types of Oats?

  • The whole grain of a cereal such as oats is referred to as Grout

  • The nutritional profiles for the different oat styles is much the same

  • Differing degree of processing result in varying textures and cooking times

  • All of these oat styles can be incorporated into any of your recipes, baking and smoothies adding another wonderful layer of texture and nutritional benefit

Steel Cut Oats

  • Also referred to as Irish or Scottish oats

  • Whole oat groat cut into several pieces with a sharp metal blade, hence the name

  • Take the longest to cook

  • Have a chewy texture

  • Retains shape even after cooking

Rolled Oats

  • Old-fashioned or whole oats

  • Look like flat, irregularly round, slightly textured discs

  • The whole grains of oats, steamed to soften, then pressed to flatten

  • They cook faster than steel-cut oats, absorbing more liquid

  • Hold shape during cooking

Instant Oats

  • Also referred to as quick oats

  • They are pre-cooked, dried, rolled and pressed slightly thinner than rolled oats

  • Cook more quickly than steel-cut or rolled oats

  • Retain less of their texture

  • Final cooking result is mushy

  • The most processed of the oat varieties

What is the nutritional profile of Oats?

Oats contain fibre, more protein than other grains & powerful antioxidants known as avenanthramides. High amounts of many vitamins and minerals, such as manganese, phosphorus, copper, B-vitamins, iron, selenium, magnesium and zinc

What are the benefits of eating Oats?

  • Good source of soluble fibre, especially beta-glucan which

- Reduces LDL & total cholesterol

- Reduces blood sugars & insulin response

- Gives a feeling of fullness by promoting the release of a peptide YY(PYY), a satiety hormone produced in the gut in response to eating

- Assists in reducing calorie intake due to this satiety hormone effect

- May promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut

  • Contain powerful antioxidants including avenanthramides, which could lower blood pressure by increasing levels of nitric oxide, in turn dilating blood vessels

  • May have an anti inflammatory effect in the gastro intestinal tract

Are Oats gluten free?

  • Oats can be contaminated with gluten, often being processed in the same facility as wheat, so generally can not be regarded as gluten free

  • Oats also contain a protein called avenin which has a similar amino acid structure to gluten and this may present problems for those with Coeliac disease

  • The Australian Food Standards Code prohibits the use of a ‘gluten free’ claim on oats, or foods containing oats, this differs from Europe & USA

  • Some oats are independently tested for gluten contamination and they are the well known brands of Bob’s Red Mill & Glutenfreeda

There are always Gluten Free (GF) choices

There are many GF alternatives from which a delicious porridge can be made.

Rice as congee, puffed rice, quinoa whole or puffed, amaranth, millet....


Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celcius

Spread about 2 cups of oats to cover your baking tray

Pour a little maple syrup, diluted corn syrup or honey, or agave, over the oats

(I love the taste and texture of an organic Maple Syrup, you don’t need much)

Toss well and separate the oats thinly across the tray

Toast in the oven until golden in colour

At the same time on another tray spread your favourite nuts and seeds, as all toast at different times, I like the simplicity of pepitas, sunflower seeds, almonds & walnuts

Toast to your liking, but keep an eye on them so as not to burn, which they can do quite quickly!

Combine toasted oats nuts and seeds and add your favourite dried fruits; I like dates, apricots, cranberries & raisins

Store in an airtight glass jar

Check out following blogs on poaching fruit, almond porridge and gluten free alternative recipes

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